En este libro de poemas, se exploran temas existenciales como la vida, la muerte, el amor, el erotismo, entre otros, a través de la figura de Lilith, quien fue expulsada del Edén por su firme resolución de no someterse a nadie. Lilith cuestiona la verdadera naturaleza del paraíso y si vale la pena si solo conlleva servidumbre. Ese libro de poemas simboliza la energía femenina oscura y salvaje presente en todas las cosas vivas, revelando la verdad detrás de nuestros deseos e impulsos, especialmente aquellos que no nos atrevemos a reconocer.
In this book of poems, existential themes such as life, death, love, and eroticism are explored through the figure of Lilith, who was expelled from Eden due to her firm resolution not to submit to anyone. Lilith questions the true nature of paradise and whether it is worth it if it only means servitude. This book of poems symbolizes the dark and wild feminine energy present in all living things, revealing the truth behind our desires and impulses, especially those we dare not acknowledge.
Isabel Carlota Roby is a poet, human rights attorney, and co-founder of the art and poetry project, Vocales Verticales. A lover of cats, she was born in Venezuela and resides in Washington D.C. She has published the poetry collections 'Las Manos de los Muertos' (2013); 'Suburban Tales' (2019); and 'Lilith' (2024). Her poems also appear in the anthology 'Acaso esta atrocidad es el centro de todo' (2015) and in the magazines DAFY and Ámsterdam Sur."
Isabel Carlota Roby es abogada de derechos humanos y co-fundadora del proyecto Vocales Verticales. También es poeta y amante de los gatos. Originaria de Venezuela, reside en Washington D.C.
Accessibility note: This event is up two flights of stairs and Lost City Books does not have an elevator. Please contact events@lostcitybookstore.com with questions.
Dato de accesibilidad: Este evento toma lugar en el segundo piso y Lost City Books no tiene ascensor. Favor de contactar events@lostcitybookstore.com con cualquiera duda.