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To Catch a Dictator by Reed Brody with guest Corrine Dufka

  • Lost City Books 2467 18th Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20009 United States (map)

Reed Brody discusses To Catch A Dictator with guest Corrine Dufka

Buy your copy of the book here!

“An absorbing saga that raises a disturbing question: How do brutal fascists like Habré and other murderous heads of state evade a courtroom reckoning for so long after falling from power?”

--Washington Post Book World 

“From one of the world’s great fighters for justice, a most powerful tale of true crime that is at once gripping, forensic, and deeply human.”

--Philippe Sands, author of East West Street

“Part political thriller, part memoir, part handbook for human rights attorneys and activists the world over”

--Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

As the world grapples with how to hold Vladimir Putin accountable for war crimes in Ukraine, the campaign to convict Hissène Habré stands as a hopeful example. The former American-backed dictator of Chad had terrorized, tortured, and killed on a horrific scale over eight bloody years in power. After his overthrow, his victims were determined to see Habré held responsible for his atrocities. Their quest for justice would be long, tense, and unnerving, but they would not back down.

To Catch a Dictator is a dramatic insider’s account of the hunt for Habré and his momentous trial. Prosecutor Reed Brody recounts how he and an international team of investigators, legal experts, and victims worked across three continents to unearth evidence, petition courts and skeptical governments, and rally public opinion. They faced many obstacles and constant threats. One of Brody’s Chadian colleagues was gravely injured in a bomb attack, others had to seek asylum. Habré fought back bitterly, drawing on secret bank accounts and extensive political connections to preserve his life of luxurious exile. Yet Brody and his allies ultimately triumphed: Habré became the first former head of state to be convicted of crimes against humanity in the courts of another country. This fast-paced, suspenseful book shows that there is nothing inevitable about the impunity that too often protects the powerful and that even the worst tyrants can be brought to justice.

Book trailer here.


Reed Brody has spent his career investigating atrocities and bringing their perpetrators to justice. He worked for 18 years alongside the victims of Chad’s dictator Hissène Habré who was convicted of crimes against humanity in Senegal, and has helped pursue despots such as Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti, and Yahya Jammeh of Gambia. He has uncovered abuses by US-backed “contras” in Nicaragua, led United Nations missions in El Salvador and Congo, and exposed Bush administration torture in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib.

Corinne Dufka was in charge of Human Rights Watch’s work on West Africa for over two decades. Previously, she worked as a photojournalist, covering conflicts in El Salvador, Bosnia, Rwanda, Sudan, and Liberia. In 2003, she was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship for her work documenting war crimes in Sierra Leone. Dufka now works as a consultant, researching factors making countries vulnerable to conflict and in Spring 2023 will release a book of her conflict photography: This is War: A Decade of Conflict Photography (G-Editions).


Accessibility note: This event is up two flights of stairs and Lost City Books does not have an elevator. This event will be simultaneously live streamed on our YouTube page!