ben’s staff picks

Ben (he/him) started working at Lost City Books in 2021 and has been grateful for every day he gets to spend with cool people and cool books. Ben reads to escape and imagine freedom in all forms. While he mostly reads science fiction, fantasy, and weird speculative things and will talk ad nauseam about them, he would love to discuss cookbooks, historical dramas, or his area of self-proclaimed expertise - vintage gay erotica. He relishes any chance to compare recipes, hear about leftist theory, or swap fav smut stories.



A far-flung future epic… Give it 50-isg pages and you’ll be hooked. Effectively exiled military members are posted at the edge (literally) of the universe. And it is starting to SHRINK

STRINGERS by Chris Panatier

From a new-ish press focusing on experimental/bizarre spec-fic/sci-fi - and this one is bizarre indeed. Basically all consciousness is a universally shared form of matter. So when a regular loser has the secret of the universe buried in his skull, chaos ensues. Weird, grotesque, and full of random bug sex.

ELDER RACE by Adrian Tchaikovsky

A surprise and a delight! Perfect blend of sci-fi and fantasy elements. I am consistently blown away by basically everything this author puts out. Tchaikovsky has a unique and titillating way of demonstrating the pulsing vein of humanity and the humane through time. 

FOUNDRYSIDE by Robert Bennett

Featuring one of the coolest magic systems I’ve ever read, this fast-paced science fantasy novel is sure to leave your mouth agape and your head spinning. The world is both familiar and foreign.

UP AGAINST IT by Laura J. Mixon

Set on a distant asteroid in a not-so-distant future, this story of youthful rebellion and criminal conspiracy is a true space adventure. I’ve got three words for ya: “MOTORCYCLES IN SPACE”.


This novella is so FUN! Quick read with some gorgeous layers to explore. From stargates to snarky, nostalgic AI, this exceedingly hopeful story is a great one-sitting read for all sci-fi fans.